Thursday, August 23, 2007


Finally...I am able to post. For awhile now we've had some computer issues. It seemed to get worse and worse so we took it in to get fixed, now everything works like a champ! (That's for Mark). This past weekend, we visited the Brookfield zoo with some friends of ours. It was a perfect day, surprisingly cool, but in the midst of the hot and humid weather, a little cloudy, cool weather was welcomed with open arms. Emma enjoyed it all and we did too. We decided that we need to join, not only because it's cheaper, but because Emma had such a wonderful time. Here are some pictures of our trip to the zoo.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Golden Birthday Jared

The 23rd will be my brother-in-laws golden birthday, but we celebrated it this past weekend. We had a great time visiting with Jared, even if it was just for a day. Emma always looks forward to seeing her Uncle Jared. She loves him so much, but is very shy with him at the same time. Anytime we have with Jared is a blessing. We always have wonderful memories banked away in our hearts that keep us anticipating the next visit. Here are some pictures of the party.

Luke Donald Leone is here

It's been awhile since I've Internet has not been working, so today is the first day that I was able to get on. Well...on August 8, 2007, Luke Donald Leone was born. Everything went very well, Tara (my sister) did not feel a thing. Within 3 hours of being there, he was born. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by, but we finally got to meet the new addition and we are so delighted to have him here. He weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz, 20 inches long. Their big brothers (mostly Sam) is in love with him... Jonah is very sweet with him also. Every once in awhile when Luke is crying, Jonah will say, "baby sad." Overall, the arrival of Luke into the Leone home has been accepted with ease, thank you Lord. Everyone keeps asking me, does this make you want to have another baby? Without hesitation I answer...No. I'm still in that baby phase with Joshua and I want to enjoy him growing up a little bit more.

Luke, we are so blessed to have you here and I feel blessed to be a part of your life! Thank you Tara and Dan for allowing me to be a part of this miracle.