Thursday, August 23, 2007


Finally...I am able to post. For awhile now we've had some computer issues. It seemed to get worse and worse so we took it in to get fixed, now everything works like a champ! (That's for Mark). This past weekend, we visited the Brookfield zoo with some friends of ours. It was a perfect day, surprisingly cool, but in the midst of the hot and humid weather, a little cloudy, cool weather was welcomed with open arms. Emma enjoyed it all and we did too. We decided that we need to join, not only because it's cheaper, but because Emma had such a wonderful time. Here are some pictures of our trip to the zoo.


Hunny Bee said...

Looks like fun! We have yet to take Michael, but I think he would like it, too. We are thinking of joining, too. Such a good deal!

McLeod Family said...

Oh man look at that Brookfield Zoo. :( I will have to take Gabrielle there one day. You guys look great. I feel it coming on...Chicago, chicago in a Frank Sinatra voice :)

Pea Pod Mommy said...

It was a great weekend to go to the zoo! Looks like you had a blast!