Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Last night was fun. Emma dressed up like a princess...Joshua didn't dress up like anything. Awhile back, Emma decided she did not want to go trick-or-treating. She was traumatized by the very ghorry/scary Halloween items in the Factory Card Outlet store and wanted to only stay inside this year. Which was fine with me, she wanted to pass out the candy. Everything was going great. At the beginning of the night there were barely any trick or treater's. She waited patiently at the window for them. All was well until she saw her first scary costume...the "Scream" mask. I don't know if that was the hit costume for this year, but almost every group that came to the door someone had this "Scream" mask on. Well, needless to say, that did her in and she refused to answer the door anytime after that. Her very good friend Lillie came over (sorry, I didn't get a picture of them together), that was a fun time for her. Other than that, she enjoyed having Nana, Papa, Grammy and Grampy over to share in this very anticipated event. Well, looks like our next upcoming event to look forward to is Thanksgiving. Can't wait for that one.


Judith and Lance said...

Emma looks adorable! I miss our work out times, we have to start back up again when we have a convenient time and when I'm in town!!