Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This weekend, we threw my mother-in-law a surprise birthday breakfast, the best gift of all was having her daughter in town for the weekend. Everything came out perfect, she did not suspect anything...and we caught it all on tape. I hid in the bathroom with Emma and Sheri. Emma is not very good about keeping secrets, maybe that's her age (I hope). I knew she would say something to Nana about Sheri being there, so we hid out in the bathroom with her. Our waitress was awesome too, she was in on it. She gave Sheri some balloons to hold in front of her face and the waitress walked in front of Sheri. At first, Nana saw Emma and I, Emma of course gave Nana a nice warm "Surprise." Then, Sheri gave Nana the balloons and I think it took a couple seconds before Ann realized, wait a minute, I recognize you. She had some tearful moments, of course, all good tears, and then we went on our merry way and got down to business...ordering our breakfast. Emma LOVED her auntie Sheri and couldn't get enough of her. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to see Sheri again soon. There's a family reunion in Pennsylvania this summer, don't think we'll go, unless Penn. turns into the Carolina's!! Here are some photos of the surprise party.


Lana said...

Looks like FUN days for the Chatfields! The weather was great today - and looking forward to tomorrow, too!

sharonie said...

Love butterfields...that is always my choice when it comes to going out to breakfast. I think Emma's bow in her hair is adorable. She was so sweet when she came to my well behaved!